Merihaan Pallohalli Oy, Haapaniemenkatu 14, 00530 Helsinki, Kenttä 3. kerros
Kertamaksu 12€ / single fee 12€   –   Maksut tilille / Account : FI32 1347 3500 1364 31


Toober Veli M Erkka R Janne T Misha Kimmo V Jose M Bijay Ville Alpo Henri
David C Eki N Eirikur M Aleksi J Guillaume Ric T Antti L
Aapo R Aarne J Abdulmazhit Aidin F Aleksi S Alpo M Anna J Antti F Antti T Ari K Bart G Bijay G Bijaya G Calle David Elias L Evgenii Fears A Filipp Frank c Gavan T Hassan Henri L Ilmari K Jamie H Janne P Joni Jorge R José M [2] Juha P Juho A Jukka Julian Justus H Kai Kari S Karli K Lasu A Lauri A Lauri M Luis R Magnus S Marko L Martin A Matteo S MichiP Mika A Mike Mohamed M [2] Nasim Nasim F Nimish Olli H Onni Ozi Pietro R Rafik Reijo J Rene G Richard P Riku L Ruben Rubén T Samu A Tapio N Timo K Timo T Tommi M Tommi N Toro Vertti P Ville L



Few more players, thanks!

Kimmo, profiilikuva

Ainakin kaks tarvittais, minimum two needed!


trying to get extra players, fingers crossed


got 1 more for the horde so at least game is on. 4v4 is fine, but looking to get some more players


Nice👍 4vs4 was fine last week. We played in the floorball goals without a goalkeeper


There's potentially a 10th player, but this guy just recovered from Covid last week, he had feaver last Thursday but everything's fine now. I'm checking with all of us if this is fine or not for you if he joins?


I don't mind

Kimmo, profiilikuva

Just to confirm, yesterday or last week Thu?

If last week Thu, I'm totally fine :)


last week Thu :D


Since we're out of time, I preemptively confirm and add him into so we have a nice 5 v 5 game. Hopefully the rest won't mind :P

Kommentoi tapahtumaa: Kirjaudu jäsensivuille tai liity joukkueeseen.

Avoin ilmoittautuminen vieraileville pelaajille


Pelaaja 8 7
Valmentaja 0 0
Yhteyshenkilö 0 0
Joukkueen ulkopuoliset 3
Yhteensä In 11 Out 7
Edellinen / Seuraava In Out
Harkka Pe 19.4.2024 klo 18:30 9 6
Harkka Pe 26.4.2024 klo 18:30 8 6
Harkka Pe 3.5.2024 klo 18:30 11 7
Harkka Pe 10.5.2024 klo 18:30 1 12
Harkka Ti 14.5.2024 klo 20:00 10 10

Näytä kaikki tapahtumat