
I can pick people up by car on friday. I live in Oulunkylä so Im not going to Espoo. Comment here if you need a ride.


Thanks, I'll join the ride. I live in Oulunkylä as well, so I can walk to your place and hop in from there.

Janne, profiilikuva

Julkinen liikenne on lakossa tämän viikon perjantaina. Laittakaa jo nyt itsellenne 'out' jos tiedätte, että ette pääse paikalle.

There'll be a public transport strike on Friday this week. Please, mark yourself 'out' if you know that you can't come to Merihaka that day.

: janne


Janne tai Erkka, onko teistä jompikumpi menossa autolla perjantaina?


Akseli has the only valid reason not to attend the game