I can pick people up by car on friday. I live in Oulunkylä so Im not going to Espoo. Comment here if you need a ride.
Thanks, I'll join the ride. I live in Oulunkylä as well, so I can walk to your place and hop in from there.
Julkinen liikenne on lakossa tämän viikon perjantaina. Laittakaa jo nyt itsellenne 'out' jos tiedätte, että ette pääse paikalle.
There'll be a public transport strike on Friday this week. Please, mark yourself 'out' if you know that you can't come to Merihaka that day.
: janne
Janne tai Erkka, onko teistä jompikumpi menossa autolla perjantaina?
Akseli has the only valid reason not to attend the game
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