Futsalia huomenna klo 18.30 Merihaassa!
Nimenhuuto ei näköjään lähettänytkään eilen viikottaista muistutusta huomisesta. Laitoin sen kyllä päälle eilen, muttei tullut ainakaan minulle.
Futsal tomorrow at 18:30 at Merihaka.
Sorry, the weekly reminder email was missing this week. I try to find out why. Anyways, see you tomorrow!
Hey Janne! What is your phone number in case we cannot find the place
Hi Janne one of my friend Evgenii will come to try with us on this Friday!
Possibly a Brazilian guy I just met at Brahen kenttä coming too
I am out, sorry guys
Hey guys, seven in at the moment and apparently few other guys joining.
So more players thank you!
so is it 9 players now?
should I ask for extras already?
ah if Aidin band Peter both have +1 then we are 10! Nice
Futsalia tänään. Tule mukaan!
Futsal today in Merihaka. Sign in now!
Futsal-kausi alkaa perjantaina! Sama sali, sama aika, samat kikat. Nähdään siellä.
Futsal season starts this season. The place is the same, the time is the same even the dribbles are the same. See you there!
Jippii! Onko kausimaksun suuruudesta vielä tietoa?
Yippii! Is the amount of the season fee decided yet?
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